Tuned Spectrum Grow Lights

May 3, 2021

Although you wouldn't guess it from the other posts on this website, I quite enjoy gardening and taking care of plants. Unfortunately, the engineering lifestyle means living in big cities in small apartments. Without a yard and room for an actual garden or raised beds, I am limited to potted plants under grow lights.

In the past, I have attempted to grow basil and lettuce under various light sources including LED bulbs, CFL bulbs, and even a 200 W diffuse TV backlight. Unfortunately these light sources do not produce good results. The spectral content is tuned to be pleasant for human eyes, but they simply don't contain the wavelengths of light that plants really need. Even 200 watts of regular white LEDs barely kept my basil and lettuce alive, it certainly didn't allow them to thrive. You can buy LED grow lights for plants of course. But they are somewhat enigmatic. When this project started, all I knew was that they worked much better than lighting LEDs, and that they cost almost 5 times the equivalent power of regular white LEDs.

My sneaking suspicion was that the marketing term of "grow light" magically bumps up the price, although the parts cost is likely very similar. This prompted the design and construction of my custom optical spectrometer, a tool to measure the spectral composition of light sources. You can see that project here. Using the spectrometer I was able to measure various light sources including commercial grow lights and various individual LEDs. Most white LEDs are actually very similar, using a base diode that produces light at about 450 to 460 nm wavelength. The color temperature of the LED is then tuned to be either warmer or colder by including varying mixtures of phosphors that absorb some 450 nm and re-emit in the green, yellow and red wavelengths. The wavelength and phosphor spectral peaks can be seen below in the spectrogram of a typical LED lightbulb. Also overlaid is the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll A and B found on the internet.

It's clear that the match between the lightbulb and the chlorophyll is not great. A spectrogram of a "Full spectrum" white grow light can be seen below. You can see that a strong base 450 nm peak is present, but also clearly many more phosphors have been included to produce a much more broad and diverse range between 450 and 650 nm. Curiously, the match with chlorophyll is still not that great.

A naive approach may be to think that a spectrum that perfectly matches the chlorophyll absorption spectrum would be ideal. However, although there is not much good scientific literature on the subject, it is generally agreed that plants really do need all wavelengths, even including some greens and reds for the stimulation of certain chemical reactions. The general consensus is that most of the energy should be contained in wavelengths around 400 to 450 nm as well as around 650 nm (note that this does actually match the chlorophyll absorption). But there should also be 15-25 % of the energy distributed between 450 and 650 nm as well as some long wavelengths above 650 and 700 nm. This distribution seems to change depending upon the plant as well as what stage of growth you're trying to promote (growth, flowering, fruiting, etc.) Because there are actually not too many base LED colors available, it was a fairly easy task to buy a range of LEDs from 405 nm to 720 nm and assemble them in the right ratio to achieve a spectrum taylored nearly perfectly to plants. I ended up choosing 405 nm, 450 nm, regular phosphered white, and 680 nm LEDs in a ratio of 1:3:2:3. This produced a spectrum that overlaps with chlorophyll well, but also contains some greens and yellows as well as deep red out to about 750 nm. The final spectrum can be seen below.

The LEDs I purchased were fairly inexpensive 2W gull wing LEDs on aluminum core PCBs. I ran thermal simulations to estimate that I could fit 28 of these on a smooth flat 6 by 24 inch aluminum plate. This gave good thermal dissipation, keeping the LEDs below about 70C, while drawing about 60 watts at 48V.

But how well do they actually work? I made two of these LED arrays for a total of 120 watts. I compared them to 140 watts of off the shelf grow light covering 4 square feet. I positioned my custom grow lights to cover approximately the same area for a lower power density of 30 watts per square foot (I love mixing unit systems, don't you?). I planted a variety of spicy peppers under each. Of course my experiences and tests are far from rigorous, but I can anecdotally say that the plants under the custom grow lights grew faster, were much darker green, and had a much much lower mean node length than the peppers under the off the shelf lights. All with 15% less power. For peppers, however, the proof will really be in the quality of the fruit produced. For that, we'll have to wait and see.