About Me

Hi. My name is August Rabe. From the time I was very small, I’ve always loved technology. I am always taking things apart, and designing and building my own gizmos. There isn’t much I haven’t done or at least thought about. I graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2015 with a degree in mechanical Engineering. Since then, I've worked professionally as a mechanical engineer, designing and building many prototypes and devices.

I think you’ll find that this website strongly reflects my passion for engineering. I enjoy many non-technical pastimes as well. I love music; play the guitar and clarinet, and can dabble around with a couple of other instruments. I like photography, and I enjoy making time-lapse videos (with a homemade intervalometer, of course). I think I could be called a risk-taker; although neither are actually risky, I am eager to learn to sky-dive, I’m on track to become PADI-certified in scuba diving. In summer of 2019, I officially passed my Private Pilot practical exam and and received my Pilot Certificate. I also enjoy geocaching, juggling, playing pranks, and diagnosing & fixing the computer & appliance problems of ...pretty much everybody I know. Although people insist I’m no longer a so called “kid”, I definitely resist the pressure to mature in any way what so ever.

This website serves as a small collection of the stranger of my many projects, undertakings and hobbies, as well as bits of my life which I’d like to share with the world. Enjoy, & please let me know if you think this website could be improved or if you have any questions concerning anything; this website is always being improved.