Download Force Gauge Controller:

Download For Windows 32 bit (Requires Java)

Download For Windows 64 bit (Stand alone .exe)

The 64 bit version above is larger but is self contained and should run out of the box.
The 32 bit version is a smaller file, however it will require a Java installation to run.

Download Serial Drivers
The serial drivers may or may not be required. Windows appears to be inconsistent in including them.
double clicking the amd64 or x86 (64 bit or 32 bit, respectively) shortcut should cause
Windows to recognize and install the drives automatically.

Quick Start:

To use the force gauge, plug it into the computer, allow Windows to initialize the device, and then start the application. If more than one serial device is detected, a list of COM ports will be presented. Enter the number corresponding to the desired COM port and click “Connect”.
If only one COM port is detected it will be connected automatically.
If no COM ports are detected, close the app, make sure windows properly initialized the device and restart the app.

Once connected, the “Connect” button should turn green, and the date will be displayed in the output window.
The force gauge can now be controlled by clicking the green and purple buttons.

Button Descriptions:

Change Units
the “Change Units” will cycle the units of measure on the device. The device should beep to confirm the change.
The device does not report the current units to the serial port. However, the units cycle in the following order: N > gf > kgf > ozf > lbf > mN >

Change Mode
The “Change Mode” button will change the behavior of the “Measure Once” Button.
The modes cycle between “Track”, “Peak Tension”, and “Peak Compression”.
In “Track” mode, the device will return the current absolute value of force as well as the mode and “Compression” or “Tension” depending on the direction of the force.
In the two “Peak” modes, the device will return the currently stored peak value.

Zero Offset
The “Zero Offset” Button will set the current force being applied to the gauge as the zero point. This will not effect the peak values stored.

Reset Max/Min
The “Reset Max/Min” button will clear the currently stored peak value. This does not effect the zero point or current measurement of the device.

Retrieve Memory
The “Retrieve Memory” button will cause the device to send all previously stored values as well as their corresponding force directions and units to the output window. Line numbers and the current date and time (plus milliseconds) will be displayed in front of each measurement. The date displayed is the date the data was retrieved from the unit, NOT the date the measurement was taken.

Device Info
The “Device Info” button will retrieve the gauges model number, capacity, serial number, firmware revision, original offset, current offset, and overload count.

Measure Once
The “Measure Once” button will retrieve a single measurement from the device as well as the unit, mode, and force direction. The value returned will be dependent upon the mode of the device (track, compression, tension).

Start Recording
The “Start Recording” button will poll the device at the interval entered in the “Refresh Rate” box. The values returned will always be the currently applied force independent of the mode of the device.

Clear Saved Data
The “Clear Saved Data” button will erase all previously recorded values. They are not recoverable. You will be asked to confirm the delete by pressing the button a second time.

Save To File
The “Save To File” button will save all recorded values and dates, etc. to a .CSV file readable by Excel. The fields will be delimited by the character (or multiple characters) entered into the “File Delimiter” box. The file will be saved with the current date and time to your Desktop.


The application has been successfully tested up to 1 hour of continuous recording and over 20,000 data. The theoretical time limit is up to 50 days. The theoretical number of data is determined by file size which must be less than 4 GB (approximately 100 million data).
The refresh rate has not been tested to less than 50 mS. Keep in mind that the device is not rated for a refresh rate faster than 10 samples / second (100 ms). The theoretical maximum refresh rate is approximately 50 days (4.2 billion milliseconds).